I am SO excited that Dudu Fisher will be performing in Branson! I received an email from a friend of his, Ilan Sharon, informing me about his one night performance in Branson. BRANSON! The man has 5 shows listed for his performance
dates and he is coming here of all places. Argentina, Jerusalem, Brazil, New Jersey and..ummmm, Branson.
For those of you who have no idea who Dudu Fisher is, please read my last
post about him.
When I first heard about his performance, I knew I would have to attend....then I realized that it was on a Tuesday night. ACK! We have a show on Tuesday nights. Not good. I went through all of the numbers (in my head) that I was in to see if I could somehow get out of the show that night. I could get all of the parts covered except for one, Sit Down You're Rocking the Boat. Argg. It's one of the many new songs that we just added to the Broadway section of our show. Unfortunately there is no way that I can miss that number. I even tried talking to Jason about just missing that number...uhhh, cutting that section for that night? No dice. If that number gets cut, 2 others will have to get cut along with that one, due to costume changes. Needless to say, I was a tad depressed that I would have to miss it... but then something great happened!
I asked Ilan if there was any way at all that I might be able to see a sound check since I couldn't make it to the performance. I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. I knew that there might be others in my family interested too. He later emailed saying that yes, Dudu Fisher said that we could! Wahooo!!
SO! If anyone else wants to see this amazing performer. GO! This is your chance to see him. He will be performing for 1 night only, September the 20th at 7:30 PM. I am attaching a video that has the location and pricing. I encourage you to go see it. Uh, don't let my family know that I said that since I should be encouraging you to see OUR show that night. So Ummm, Go to our show the day before. =)
The venue also has information about Dudu Fisher on their